

News, business and more...

News, business and more…

Capital Litter

This blog says capital letters should only be used in press releases when it’s grammatically correct to do so. I don’t represent the grammar police. I’m not suggesting that language should be everyone’s forte or that there isn’t a time and a place for capital letters. In blogs and social media...

Quest for Silverware

This blog is targeted primarily at small businesses looking to raise their profile and gain recognition by entering awards. My company enters awards (we’ve even won a couple) and we help clients provide written and other submissions in support of their entries (some of them have even collected silverware). We...

Blog Standard

The best bloggers in a market sector are not only appearing at the top of search engine rankings, as poor content continues to burden the chasing pack. Much of this has been covered before, but as long as I continue to see more bad blogs than good, and the majority still...

Trade Shows: Miles of Aisles

This is the third part of a series of blogs about trade shows. Blog one and two are here. This installment is targeted at visitors. I am a passionate supporter of trade shows, conferences and similar events, yet, this blog—as with every post in the series—does challenge organisers, exhibitors, visitors...

Trade Shows: A Good Backstage Strategy

Trade shows. As an exhibitor or visitor only a proactive approach can yield return on investment of time and money. This blog is targeted at exhibitors. Break your strategy into two clear areas—how to make the best of the time on the stand (or booth) and things you can (and...